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How to spend March in London?

March is the time of year that Londoners breathe a huge sigh of relief. The winter is unofficially over and brighter warmer times are ahead. They can do more stuff outdoors without coats and umbrellas, the flowers are blooming, the trees are blossoming and life is great again. 

To the visitor, you might not notice much change, especially in the weather. Though the average temperature is a bit higher than February, the primary Spring month’s climate can’t really be compared to another Spring month like, let’s say, May. 

It has to be said that the skies are a lighter shade of grey, the days feel longer and it’s true about the flowers and trees. Lately, Londoners seem to enjoy eating and drinking outside whatever the season or weather so you might not notice much change there either. 

There is, however, a significant change in the number of events taking place in the capital. After Christmas and New Year celebrations January and February are unofficial ‘rest’ months. March has a lot more going on. Here are some examples. 

london 7

London’s Parks and Gardens 

The weather may still be quite cold but that doesn’t stop Spring and its generous offering of stunning bright colours across the capital. 

Everything seems to be coming into colour, the yellows of the daffodils, the pinks of the cherry blossoms, the purples of the crocuses, the reds of the tulips and of course the stunning varied greens of the trees as they slowly come back to life. 

But where’s the best place to see all of this? London is a green city so the chances are you’ll come across this natural Spring spectacle during your travels.  

However, if you want to seek out specific flowers, try these places. 

Greenwich Park, Kew Gardens & St Paul’s Cathedral 

For the cherry blossom. 

Green Park, St James’s Park & Hampton Court Palace 

For the daffodils. 

London Parks

Battersea Park, Cannizaro Park & Kew Gardens  

For the crocuses. 

Regent’s Park, Kensington Gardens & Buckingham Palace 

For the tulips. 

Of course, if you want to cover all Spring blooms in one go it has to be Kew Gardens, home of the largest botanical collection in the world. 

Mother’s Day 

If you’re from anywhere in the world apart from the UK, the Channel Islands, Ireland or Nigeria, then you’ll probably celebrate Mother’s Day in May. In the UK, and therefore London, it is celebrated in March. Bringing your mum here for a break in March might mean that she’ll end up getting two days of celebration! 

The is because in most other countries, Mother’s Day is a more recently invented day to celebrate motherhood, in the UK it is closely linked to Christian religions and falls on the fourth Sunday in Lent. 

It is also officially known as Mothering Sunday as opposed to Mother’s Day. 

In London there’s plenty going on but if you plan to go out for lunch book early, as restaurants can very busy. 

If you want to do something different, that’s easy too, whether she likes art, shopping, musicals, music, boat trips or champagne and cocktails, London will have it covered. 

valentines day

St Patrick’s Day 

The only patron saint day that seems to be celebrated across the world, sometimes more heartily than a nation’s own official saint. 

This is very true in London where St Patrick is toasted with gusto and St George barely gets a mention. 

This is very evident in the lavish parade that takes place for the Irish saint, with floats, marching bands and all manner of Irish dancing. The parade starts at Piccadilly and takes in various iconic landmarks along the way, including Trafalgar Square, the Ritz and Whitehall. 

Although St Patrick’s Day isn’t a public holiday in the UK, in 2019 it falls on a Sunday, so be prepared for a big one! 

Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) 

No mention of London events is complete without the curiosity that is Pancake Day, which falls in March in 2019. Shrove Tuesday is something that is observed by Christian religions across the world, but in England, the event takes on a strange twist. 

It’s not unusual to see places where people are running along, tossing pancakes in a pan in events known as Pancake Races. 

Indeed, this strange phenomenon goes as high as the British government, where an official pancake race takes place between the House of Commons and the House of Lords each year! 

pancake day

Accommodation in London 

March is a quiet month to visit London, especially if Easter is later, so finding accommodation is much easier than at peak times. It’s a great time to try out serviced apartments as opposed to hotels and companies such as have apartments across the city. From accommodation in Heathrow to Canary Wharf apartments to rent, you can find your ideal location to take in London as it comes back to life in March.  

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