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Cost of Living in London

London is one of the greatest cities in the world, home to some of the world’s most iconic structures, historical landmarks, cultural attractions, and so much more. London attracts millions of visitors every year, with so many individuals across the globe who shift to London for work, business, leisure, and a variety of other purposes. The cost of living in London is a key aspect worth considering for those moving to the city or settling here for some time. A good average salary to live in London is approximately £3,035.47 per month, as per estimates. 

The average cost of living in London is one of the highest in the United Kingdom and also the world.

Explore the Key Cost of Living in London that One Should Know

These figures have been compiled from Numbeo. 

1. Food and Restaurants

A major chunk of monthly expenses in London will naturally be allocated for monthly food, groceries, and dining out at restaurants and local eating establishments. A meal at a local restaurant will cost approximately £15 while a meal for two at a mid-range restaurant (three courses) will cost approximately £70. 

Some of the other average expenses in London for food and essentials are listed below: 

  • 0.33-litre of bottled water- £1.36
  • Milk- £1.6 per litre
  • Rice- £1.80 per kg
  • Bread- £1.6 for every 500g
  • Eggs- £2.55 for 12 eggs
  • Chicken Fillets- £6.82 for 1 kg
  • Apples- £2.05 for 1 kg 
  • Potatoes- £1.12 for 1 kg 

These are some of the key living expenses in London in this category. 

2. Home Rentals or Accommodation

The cost of living in London is also largely determined by the expenditure on home rentals. The average rentals for a 1 and 3-bedroom apartment within the city centre are £2,040.88 and £3,618.22 per month respectively. The approximate rental values for 1-bedroom apartments outside the city centre and 3-bedroom apartments outside the city centre are around £1,449.30 and £2,468.17 per month. Travellers can also rent serviced apartments in London for short or long-term stays at competitive prices, which often works out cheaper than hotels. 

3. Transportation 

Transportation is a vital component of the average cost of living in London. Depending on the zones that you are travelling within, a one-way ticket costs around £2.60 while a monthly pass is priced at approximately £159. The taxi fares start from £4 while a kilometre charge is around £1.70. 

4. Utilities & Recreational Costs

The cost of living in London also includes utility charges which are payable every month. The basic charges for electricity, cooling/heating, garbage, and water can be around £264.33 each month, while the mobile tariff is £0.12 for one minute (prepaid) without discounts or plans. The internet charges are roughly £28.92 per month for unlimited data. Fitness or gym fees are £43.27 per month for adults while tennis court rentals are approximately £11.61 per hour. Movie tickets cost £12 on average. 

5. Education of Children 

The cost of kindergartens or preschools is around £1,533.49 per month. The yearly international primary school fee is around £17,933.33. State schools, however, are funded by the government and therefore free for all pupils. 

These are the figures for the approximate cost of living in London that visitors should know about. London is on the costlier side in comparison to several other places in Britain and the United Kingdom. Yet, there are several options available for those shifting here for work or other purposes. 

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